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Panchagavya and dasagavya

Panchagavya is an organic formulation, which in Sanskrit means the blend of five
products obtained from cow milk, ghee, curd, dung and urine (all these products are
individually called as “Gavya” and collectively named as panchagavya. Panchagavya has got
reference in the scripts of Vedas (devine scripts of Indian wisdom) and Vrikshayurveda
(Natarajan, 2002). In India, use of panchagavya in organic farming is gaining popularity in
recent years especially in states like Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
Panchagavya is a special preparation made from five by-products of cow along with
certain other ingredients, has the potential to play the role of promoting growth and providing
immunity in plant system. Panchagavya plays a major role in organic farming. Various crops
such as rice, a variety of vegetables, fruit crops such as mango, banana, guava, acid lime cash
crops such as sugarcane, turmeric, jasmine and moringa and plantation crops have responded
extremely well to application of Panchakavya. Plants sprayed with Panchakavya, reported to
produce larger leaves, and develop denser canopy. The stem produces lateral shoots and
much more sturdy branches to bear heavy yields. The rooting is profuse and dense, and
penetrating to deep layers. Roots helps in better intake of nutrients and water. Plants are able
to stand protracted drought conditions, and needed less than a third of the irrigation in regular times.
Method of Preparation:
Mix thoroughly the fresh cow dung (7kg + Cow ghee (1kg)

Incubation for 2 days

Add cow urine (3:1) + 10 litre of water

Stir properly (morning and evening, daily for 1 weak)

Add sugarcane juice (3 litre) or jiggery mixed in water at 1:6 ratio
Cow milk (2 litre)
Cow curd (2 litre)
Coconut water (3 litre)
Yeast (100 g) and 12-ripe banana

Stir properly (morning and evening, daily for 3 weaks)
All the above items can be added to a wide mouthed mud pot or concrete tank or plastic
bucket as per the above order. The container should be kept open under shade. The content is
to be stirred twice a day both in morning and evening. Sugarcane juice and coconut water are
reported to accelerate fermentation. Toddy also accelerates fermentation and helps in
minimizing the bad odor. To prepare toddy two liters of tender coconut water has to be kept
in a sealed airtight plastic bottle for a week. However, 100 g of yeast powder can be made use
of in case of non-availability of toddy (Ram, 2017).
 It increases immunity power in plants thereby confers resistance against pest and
 It produces various beneficial metabolites produced by microorganisms such as
organic acids,hydrogen peroxide and antibiotics, which are effective against various
 It control leaf hopper and white fly in bhendi
 Panchagavya improves fertility status in soils by increasing macronutrients,
micronutrients and beneficial microorganisms thus increase soil health.
 It improves water holding capacity of soils because it acts as organic manure.
Increases nutrient uptake in plants and enhances plant growth
 It acts as agrowth-promoter for small and marginal vegetable growers (Boomathi
 Lack of awareness about its uses
 Sometimes during fermentation contamination occurs
 Slow action
 Limited availability of its products in markets
 It encourages weed growth also as it is non selective
 Less utilisation by farmers (Sivakumar, 2014)
Method of Preparation:
 Chop the leaves mentioned (S.No. 1-8) into small piece and soak them in the Cow
Urine. The ratio of Leaves to Cow Urine is 1:1.
 Allow it to ferment for 10 days.
 Filter the Leaves extract and add it to the Panchagavya in the ratio 1:5.
 Stir the contents well so that both the Panchagavya and the Leaves extract are mixed
 Stir the contents once or twice a day for the next 25 days.
 After filtering, the Dasagavya is ready for use.(Anonymous , 2016)
 Increases growth, yield and quality of the crops.
 Controls pests like aphids, thrips, mites and other sucking pests.
 Controls diseases like leaf spot, leaf blight, powdery mildew etc.
Boomathi N, Sivasubramanian P, Raguraman S. 2006. Biological activities of cow excreta
with neem seed kernel extract against Helicoverpaarmigera (Hübner). Annals of
Plant Protection Sciences, 14 (1):226..
Natarajan, K., 2002. Panchagavya: A Manual. Other India Press, Mapusa, Goa, India: 33
Ram, A.M. 2017. Panchagavya is a bio-fertilizer in organic farming. International Journal of
Advanced Science and Research, 2(5): 54-57.
Selvaraj, N., B. Anitha, B. Anusha and M. Guru Saraswathi. 2007. Organic Horticulture.
Horticultural Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Sivakumar, T. 2014. Review on Panchagavya. International Journal of advanced research in
biological sciences, 1(8):130-154.
 Submitted by:
 1. L.sindhu(160804130021).
2. Rohini (1608041300252).
 3. Indraja (160804130063).
 4. Supraja (1608041300276)


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