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Showing posts from April, 2019

Panchagavya and dasagavya

Panchgavya: Panchagavya is an organic formulation, which in Sanskrit means the blend of five products obtained from cow milk, ghee, curd, dung and urine (all these products are individually called as “Gavya” and collectively named as panchagavya. Panchagavya has got reference in the scripts of Vedas (devine scripts of Indian wisdom) and Vrikshayurveda (Natarajan, 2002). In India, use of panchagavya in organic farming is gaining popularity in recent years especially in states like Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Panchagavya is a special preparation made from five by-products of cow along with certain other ingredients, has the potential to play the role of promoting growth and providing immunity in plant system. Panchagavya plays a major role in organic farming. Various crops such as rice, a variety of vegetables, fruit crops such as mango, banana, guava, acid lime cash crops such as sugarcane, turmeric, jasmine and moringa and plantation crops have responded extremely well to appli